About Me...

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Cincinnati, OH, United States
I'm a scientist , yogi, book worm, scifi junk, and I'm a little obsessed with my pup. My life is full of discovery both in the lab and out of the lab. This blog is my place to share my experiences as a person trying to stay happy and healthy in this crazy world.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Guilty pleasures...

Sometimes a week can seem to pass so slowly.  Monday and Tuesday seem to drag by as I'm getting used to the  rhythm of the weekdays after a relaxing weekend.  Then, Wednesday comes along!  Usually there is nothing extraordinary about the majority of the day.  Wednesday is just like others....I go into the lab and do research....most wednesdays Philip goes to doggie daycare....but what is so sublime about Wednesday is my guilty pleasure on Wednesday evening that keeps me going through the day.  

What is this guilty pleasure?  (It's alright if you laugh, because I would laugh at myself!) It's America's Next Top Model (ANTM).  I'm completely hooked on the show.  I watch as the hopeful models as they compete with each other in challenges and then have extreme makeup applied for their themed photo shoot every week.  Then, they must meet with the judging panel for elimination.  I wait anxiously to see if my favorite person gets her picture pulled by Tyra Banks so she can move onto the next round.  The bottom two girls wait for their fate while Tyra tells them what put them in the bottom.  Slowly with many pauses the girl moving onto the next round is revealed.  The tension and suspense is felt by everyone watching.  

In the larger scheme of things, reality TV shows don't contribute much.  However, what I enjoy so much about ANTM is that I can relax and mentally disconnect for an hour and watch TV.  What is comes down to is some "me time." As a side note: One of my favorite contestants, Fo, was on the cover of April/May 2010 Natural Health magazine which I purchased instead of just flipping through it on the news stand since she was on it.  (She's also in numerous Nike advertisements.)   

Guilty pleasures are great to indulge in at times since it lets you pamper yourself.  You can do something you enjoy and then return to the stresses of the real world.  A little escape to refresh myself is just what I need to keep me going through the week!  

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